Can you Airfry Fried Chicken?

Are you craving crispy fried chicken but want a healthier and easy cooking method? Look no further than Air Fryer Fried Chicken. With the power of air frying, you can achieve the perfect balance of crispy and juicy homemade fried chicken without the need for excessive oil or the hassle of deep frying. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps of air fryer cooking and provide an easy fried chicken recipe that will leave you craving for more.

So, how does an air fryer work? Unlike traditional frying methods, an air fryer is a countertop convection oven that uses hot air circulation to cook food. This innovative cooking technique creates a crispy outer layer while keeping the inside moist and tender. Say goodbye to greasy fingers and hello to guilt-free indulgence.

When it comes to making Air Fryer Fried Chicken, the key lies in the right ingredients and preparation. You’ll need succulent chicken pieces of your choice, such as wings, breasts, or thighs. These are marinated in a flavorful brine mixture of buttermilk and spices, ensuring maximum flavor penetration and tenderizing the meat. The chicken is then coated in a combination of flour, corn starch, and baking powder to achieve the desired crispiness. Don’t forget to preheat your air fryer for even cooking and an irresistible golden crust.

Now, let’s dive into the cooking instructions for Air Fryer Fried Chicken. This step-by-step process guarantees mouthwatering results. After preheating the air fryer, carefully place the coated chicken in the fryer basket. Start cooking at a lower temperature to ensure the chicken is cooked through without burning the batter, and then increase the heat to finish off with that perfect crunch. To ensure food safety and deliciousness, always cook the chicken to an internal temperature of 160°F. The carry-over cooking will bring it to the recommended safe internal temperature of 165°F.

Need some tips and variations to elevate your Air Fryer Fried Chicken game? Consider brining the chicken for a minimum of 2 hours to enhance its flavor and juiciness. If you don’t have an air fryer, you can also pan-fry the chicken in a cast-iron skillet with a small amount of oil. Just be mindful of a thick breading, as it may not hydrate properly in the air fryer and result in uneven cooking. And for those delectable leftovers, use a 300°F oven to reheat them while maintaining that irresistible crispy crust.

In conclusion, Air Fryer Fried Chicken is the ultimate solution for crispy and flavorful homemade fried chicken without the guilt. With this easy and convenient cooking method, you can enjoy the perfect balance between a golden, crunchy exterior and a juicy, tender interior. Say goodbye to traditional frying and embrace the deliciousness that air frying brings. Try out our easy fried chicken recipe and savor every bite of this healthier alternative.

How does an air fryer work?

An air fryer is a countertop convection oven that utilizes hot air circulation to cook food. Unlike traditional frying methods, it does not actually fry the food in oil.

Instead, the air fryer uses hot air to circulate around the food, creating a crispy outer layer while keeping the inside moist and tender. This innovative cooking technique results in a healthier alternative to deep frying, as it requires significantly less oil.

The hot air circulation in the air fryer mimics the effects of deep frying, allowing you to achieve that coveted crispy texture on the outside of your favorite foods. Whether it’s french fries, chicken wings, or even vegetables, the air fryer can give you that satisfying crunch without the excess grease.

In addition to creating a crispy outer layer, the air fryer’s hot air circulation also helps to cook the food evenly. This means you can enjoy consistently cooked meals with a perfect balance between a crispy outer layer and a moist and tender inside.

Benefits of using an air fryer:

  • Healthier cooking method with less oil
  • Crispy outer layer without deep frying
  • Even cooking for consistent results
  • Convenient countertop convection oven

So, the next time you’re craving that crispy, golden goodness, consider using an air fryer to achieve the perfect balance of a crispy outer layer and a moist and tender inside.

Ingredients and Preparation for Air Fryer Fried Chicken

To make crispy Air Fryer Fried Chicken, you will need chicken pieces of your choice, such as wings, breasts, or thighs. The chicken is marinated in a brine mixture of buttermilk and spices, which adds flavor and helps to tenderize the meat. The chicken is then coated in a mixture of flour, corn starch, and baking powder to create a crispy outer layer. Before cooking, it is important to preheat the air fryer to ensure even cooking and a crispy texture.

Here’s a breakdown of the key ingredients needed:

Ingredients Quantity
Chicken pieces (wings, breasts, thighs) As desired
Buttermilk 1 cup
Spices (such as salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder) As desired
Flour 1 cup
Corn starch 1/4 cup
Baking powder 1 teaspoon
Oil spray As needed

Make sure to adjust the quantities based on the amount of chicken you’re preparing.

Now, let’s proceed to the preparation steps for your Air Fryer Fried Chicken.

Cooking instructions for Air Fryer Fried Chicken

Now that your chicken is prepared and coated, it’s time to start cooking in your air fryer. Follow these step-by-step instructions to achieve perfectly crispy and delicious Air Fryer Fried Chicken:

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 375°F.
  2. Place the coated chicken pieces in the air fryer basket, making sure not to overcrowd them.
  3. Cook the chicken at 375°F for 15 minutes.
  4. After 15 minutes, carefully flip the chicken pieces using tongs.
  5. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes at 375°F.
  6. Check the internal temperature of the thickest piece of chicken using a meat thermometer. It should reach a minimum of 160°F for safe consumption.
  7. If the chicken has reached the safe internal temperature, you can remove it from the air fryer. Otherwise, continue cooking for a few more minutes.
  8. Allow the chicken to rest for a few minutes before serving to ensure maximum juiciness.

By following these cooking instructions, you’ll achieve a golden and crispy outer layer while maintaining a safe internal temperature for consumption. The cooking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the chicken pieces, so it’s crucial to use a meat thermometer to ensure the chicken is cooked through.

Recommended internal temperature for safe consumption:

Meat Safe Internal Temperature
Chicken 165°F

Air Fryer Fried Chicken

Tips and Variations for Air Fryer Fried Chicken

To enhance the flavor and juiciness of your air fryer fried chicken, consider these helpful tips and variations.

1. Brining

For even more flavor and tenderness, brining your chicken before air frying can make a significant difference. Prepare a brine mixture of salt, sugar, and water, and let the chicken soak in it for at least 2 hours before cooking. This simple step will infuse your chicken with added moisture and flavor.

2. Air Fryer Alternatives

If you don’t have an air fryer at home, don’t worry! You can still enjoy delicious fried chicken by pan-frying it in a cast-iron skillet. Heat a small amount of oil in the skillet over medium-high heat and cook the chicken until golden and crispy on both sides. It may require a slightly longer cooking time compared to using an air fryer, but the results will still be delicious.

3. Thin Breading

When coating your chicken before air frying, it’s important to keep the breading thin. Thick breading may not hydrate properly in the air fryer and can result in floury spots on your chicken. To ensure a crispy and evenly coated chicken, lightly dust the chicken with flour before dipping it in the batter.

4. Reheating Leftovers

If you have leftover air fryer fried chicken, it’s best to reheat it in a 300°F oven. This method will help maintain the crispy crust while ensuring the chicken is heated through. Simply place the chicken on a baking sheet and heat it for about 10 minutes, or until it reaches your desired temperature. Avoid using the microwave, as it can make the chicken lose its crispiness.

Follow these tips and variations to take your air fryer fried chicken to the next level. Whether you’re brining for added flavor, using alternative cooking methods, or reheating leftovers, these suggestions will help you make the most out of your air fryer fried chicken experience.


Air Fryer Fried Chicken is the perfect solution for those craving crispy and flavorful chicken without the guilt. By using an air fryer, you can enjoy the delightful combination of a golden, crunchy outer layer and a juicy, tender inside. Say goodbye to the hassle and mess of traditional frying methods and embrace this healthier alternative.

With the convenience and ease of air fryer cooking, you can whip up delicious fried chicken right in your own kitchen. No need for deep frying in excessive amounts of oil anymore. The air fryer uses hot air circulation to achieve that crispy texture without sacrificing taste.

Why settle for fast food or takeout when you can make your own Air Fryer Fried Chicken with simple ingredients and basic preparation? Enjoy the satisfaction of creating a homemade classic that not only tastes amazing but also supports your commitment to healthier cooking. So go ahead, give it a try, and indulge in the crispy and flavorful goodness of Air Fryer Fried Chicken!

Is It Possible to Airfry Other Fried Foods Like Chicken in the Same Way as Pickles?

Yes, it is possible to airfry other fried foods like chicken in the same way as pickles. By airfrying fried pickles at home, you can also use the same technique to airfry other fried foods like chicken, fish, or even vegetables. It’s a healthier alternative to traditional frying.

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