About AlreadyCooking

About AlreadyCooking

Welcome to AlreadyCooking

My goal of this site is to help you with all things cooking-related.

I want to make this site a great source information on cooking.

Mark, AlreadyCooking.com

I want to help you get better in the kitchen. That also includes getting the right equipment and tools for what you want to make.

I am not a professional chef nor do I intend on becoming one. My aim is to help and inspire you to start playing in the kitchen and enjoy the craft of cooking.

I will focus more on tips and tricks that can help you in the kitchen more then I will focus on recipes.

I know there are 1000’s of great recipes on the internet and many people that are better than us at creating them.

This also means that if you have any questions or articles you want me to make send them to mere here on our contact form.

About Mark Frøding

Well, who am I?

My name is Mark. And I love cooking for my family and friends

I have a wife and 2 sons (3 and 9 years old). I am the primary “chef” in the house.

This results in a lot of cooking/baking and experimenting in the kitchen.

About AlreadyCooking

Especially learning new tricks and experimenting in the kitchen are some of the things I love. Which also will show in the articles I do here on the site.

Updating my cooking and trying new things is also a way I use to help to expand my kid’s way of looking at food and snacks. This came to show when my kids would rather have dehydrated strawberries than candy in their candy bowls.

Learn about cooking, and enjoy cooking!

Mark, AlreadyCooking.com

Being a creative person that also loves cooking I also run 2 other blogs, FoosballTips.com and DoCreateIt.com (With my wife Christina)